Nigerians want to resolve their legal disputes in a fair way – report

We went to the homes of 6,130 randomly selected Nigerians across all geopolitical regions. Their voices represent the experiences of more than 180 million fellow citizens. We knocked at their doors to ask them whether they had experienced one or more of the 102 specific legal problems on our list. Read the full report here.

Nigerians suffer most from neighbour-related disputes, crime, money, land and employment issues. Seven out of ten Nigerians report at least one problem.

People get legal information and advice from their personal network

We asked if they sought legal information and advice in trying to resolve their legal problems. Around 70% of them did so, mostly through people they know. Lawyers are accessible only to those who can afford them.

Many people get their problems resolved, but sometimes fairness is missing

The enumerators asked if people acted to resolve their legal problems. Around seven out of ten did so, mostly by approaching the other party directly. Sometimes they involved friends and family as well. Resolution usually happens outside of courts and without lawyers.

Regarding resolution, only four out of ten processes reach complete resolution. The majority of Nigerians do not get a fair resolution, particularly in cases related to employment.

Women and poor people suffer the most

Poor women are the least likely to get their legal problem resolved, and if they do, the quality of the result does not satisfy them. Poor people have more employment-related legal problems.

There are ways to increase fairness in daily life in Nigeria. We invite you to read the “Justice Needs and Satisfaction in Nigeria” report and explore the data on HiiL’s Justice Dashboard.

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